Where do I start with replacing my tooth?
Get in touch with us via email or telephone to schedule an appointment soon. Our administrative team with connect with you to make this convenient and to answer your questions.
I haven’t been to the dentist for some time, how can I make this visit count the most?
By virtue of taking care of yourself and your health, you are already making progress. Most of our new patients start the same way but would tell you they feel at home after they overcome their fears of making a new start. You will not be judged for avoiding the dentist. Rather, through a process of co-discovery, we will help you clarify your needs and listen to your priorities.
Is there are a lot of work-up to determine whether I can have an implant?
The good news is that the work-up is easy on the patient, and what we suggest as a result of the initial consultation is customized to your needs. It may require an additional visit to acquire additional dental records to establish a diagnosis and treatment plan. We then review the data together to confirm the patient’s wishes and compare them with what may be possible.
Is it possible that I might not qualify for an implant?
Yes, if there is inadequate soft and hard tissue quality and quantity. In many cases, advances in implant technologies enable placement of implants in spite of more limiting conditions, or with additional grafting. We also will be upfront with you concerning whether an implant is optimal or whether a conventional alternative would suit your situation better.
I just need one tooth replaced. What kinds of things make a case more complicated?
Whether one tooth or twenty, there are very few cases that wouldn’t become complicated if it weren’t for careful planning and execution. A single tooth implant placement and restoration can be very challenging when tissue conditions are suboptimal, the bite is poor, home-care and plaque control is inadequate, when clenching and grinding are present, or in a mouth where periodontal (gum) disease is co-incident.
When do I have to pay for my implant?
Payment is due when services are rendered. There are various stages of total restoration: the first when the implant is placed (surgical fees) and when the abutment/crown is placed (prosthetic / restorative fees). These are generally separated by weeks/months.
How much does it cost to replace a single tooth, or multiple teeth?
To provide the best service possible, fees vary. Our single tooth services (including surgical, lab and prosthetic fees) typically range from $3500 – 5000 for single teeth replacement. Fees are generally higher in more demanding esthetic zones (where treatment may take up to 12 months), grafted sites (which incur more material and surgical costs and healing time) or in cases where multiple units are required. However, spanned bridges on implants are possible and are used whenever possible to save material and operating costs and most importantly, complexity.
Are there “hidden fees” in the process of getting an implant?
We strive to avoid that since nobody wants surprises. Our team is upfront about costs, takes the patient’s concerns seriously, and tries to match an optimal solution to the patient’s real and perceived need. We provide a written estimate of our steps and pre-determine insurance coverage in advance whenever possible. There should be no “hidden fees” in getting an implant. Please know, in implant reconstructive treatment, patient’s deserve the best available materials and methods, and need to work with a trained team to achieve the best result for a given circumstance. The old adage, “you get what you pay for” is true in implant dentistry, and the side-effects related to loss-leading implant placement can be devastating.
How different are implant procedures that cost a little versus those that cost a lot?
It depends. While we don’t have any control over what other offices do, we know that material choices matter. We are highly aware of the “gray market” of non-original components that are often used that look like original certified components, but that are not. We only use Health-Canada certified products and those of high quality. They just cost more. To date we’ve never had a patient want otherwise. Two questions: it worth compromising on quality? What is the cost of failure?
How do you know if my implant is going to last a long time?
Through our experience, we know that properly screened cases where extremely high standards in surgical placement and total restoration are applied, following a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan, stand the chance to be long-lasting. We will tell you if you are not a good candidate for an implant, or what it would take for you to become one. Our philosophy is to guide the patient to the best possible outcome, given their level of need and condition.
Will I have to be referred somewhere else?
Generally, no. Our office is well equipped to plan the case from beginning to end and deliver on each of the steps. However, in the rare event that your surgery is referred to another center for reasons of complexity (eg. patient wants to be asleep under general anesthesia) then we will still help co-ordinate care, and complete the necessary tasks that we are responsible for (discussed up front at initial consultation). Patients routinely tell us they like coming to see us since we don’t normally have to refer them anywhere else.
What experience level am I getting in coming to see you?
Dr. Morden has been involved in both the planning, surgical placement and restorative finish of cases for 17 years (post dental-school). He has worked on over 1000 cases, most of which he has placed and subsequently restored. There is a high regard for team-work, quality, and competence as this is a delicate procedure that need not be overly complicated by inattention.
How long will it last? Really?
It’s true that an implant/crown is very durable (more so than a natural tooth) and should normally last a very long time. How long exactly, no one can say for sure. In our consent process, We make it clear that daily home-care is required to look after an implant/crown tooth (daily tooth brushing with fluoridated toothpaste and floss). We also want to see our patients annually for a clinical examination and preventive cleaning and scaling services. We take an xray at that time, and check the bite, the tightness of the contacts, and a patient’s plaque control. It’s clear that maintaining a dental implant is a shared activity, but resting mostly with the patient. Someone who is very diligent about looking after their health in general, and their oral health in particular, will typically see a dental implant outlast their natural teeth. Someone who doesn’t re-appear for scheduled check-ups and services would be at risk for failure and a potential repair, at their cost.
Is there a warranty?
While it is impossible to warranty clinical workmanship, we are proud of our implant placements to date, and it follows that patient selection and a patient’s overall preventive commitment, has a lot to do with how anything will last in the challenging environment called “the mouth.” We would practice unethically to guarantee any result in clinical services. The implants themselves, however, have a life-long warranty (Straumann) when placed according to strict manufacturer’s requirements. Thus, we are interested in implant placements where conditions would favour optimal outcomes. Patients who have realistic expectations benefit the most from any medical or dental intervention that is aimed and designed to last a very long time.
1107-37th St. SW
Calgary, AB
T3C 1S5
Office Hours
Monday - 7:30AM – 16:00PM
Tuesday - 7:30AM – 17:00PM
Wednesday - 7:30AM – 18:00PM
Thursday - 7:30AM – 18:00PM
Friday - 7:30AM – 14:30PM
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed